
What an athlete looks like

Lindsey Weeden

Cheerleaders don’t always get the credit they deserve. So, we decided to use All Star Nationals - the biggest competition of the year – as an opportunity to give these cheerleaders profile pictures worthy of the athletes they…

Hey Siri, where's my brand?

Nichole Kirsch

Voice search now constitutes 20%+ of all searches in Google. That’s startling growth since voice search made up less than 1% of searches just last year. Voice search encompasses searches in Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana, as well as searches…

Boomers: Not as cool, but their wallets rule.

Steve Smith

Okay, I get it. Millennials are the shiny new toy, and Boomers smell of yesterday’s news. After decades of chasing the Boomer, marketers are ready for something new. Over the past six months, the number of searches for “Marketing to Millennials” is…

Calling NCA All Stars

Kelsey Keys

25,000 athletes recently flocked to Dallas for the 2016 National Cheerleaders Association All Star Nationals Competition. How do you chronicle an event this huge? With an InstaAlbum, of course. During the event, we asked participants to upload…


Greg Hunter

The Cowboys are sports royalty. AT&T Stadium is their castle. We helped Service King storm the gates. Our thanks go out to the fine folks at Already Been Chewed.

Au Revoir, 2015

Kelsey Keys

Well, we’ve wrapped up another year here at Firehouse.  We had a lot to celebrate at our End of Year party last week. With new hires, new business, new ideas and the biggest Boat Day yet, 2015 been one for the books. Many awards were given,…

A Slice of Holiday Cheer

Lindsey Weeden

The idea of adding a holiday spin to the already-jolly Nothing Bundt Cakes lent itself to quite a few handfuls of sweet ideas. In the end we settled on the concept of taking things that are already familiar to us in the holidays (carols, baked…

Le Making Of La Madeleine

Blair Torres

For our la Madeleine client, we created and concepted a beautiful and artistic new campaign look and feel. While it’s not the official name, we’re calling it “Watercolor” and that seems to work well. This campaign in particular involved quite a few…