Culture, values and free breakfast.

Sprucing up a workplace always feels productive and rewarding for some reason. A fresh coat of paint, some new bling on the walls and some mild renovations can take a very familiar environment and give it new energy and life.

And to start the new year, that’s exactly what we’ve done here at Firehouse.

More importantly though, we’ve tried to let our workplace more accurately reflect the agency culture that both defines us and drives us. So that beyond just looking “cool”, these changes can serve as reminders of why we’re here, why what we do matters and why we’re all in this together.

Here’s a peek at some of our updates and why they’re important to us.

Taking time to celebrate and acknowledge the all the great, hard, significant, thankless, tiny, collaborative work we do is incredibly motivating. We get together once a month to raise a glass to all of the above and the folks around us who made it happen.

Making a difference in our client’s business is one of the reasons Firehouse has enjoyed the success it has for the past 22 years. But has never just stopped there. The agency has also been very committed to making a difference in the community around us. We’ve adopted an under-resourced elementary school nearby and volunteer there often, including visiting monthly to read and mentor students. We close the agency down a couple times a year to work in food banks, rejuvenate family shelters or rehabilitate disabled veteran’s homes. And we provide agency services to non-profits we believe in. We do these things because they’re right and good and really do make a difference in people’s lives.

Every company has its values and shared expectations. They’re the guideposts for how we go about our business and the criteria by which we hold ourselves accountable. And while they’re usually found in a company handbook buried deep in a drawer somewhere, we felt it couldn’t hurt to hang some of them on our walls to serve as reminders. It also doesn’t hurt to have some fun with it. Which, at the end of the day, is pretty much the point, isn’t it? Working hard, treating each other with respect and having fun in the process pretty much sums up why we come to work here every day.

You really should come by and see it all for yourself sometime.