
Firehouse's Take on Super Bowl Commercials

Phil Brito

One of the biggest days in advertising happened this weekend: The Super Bowl. Some people are there for the game, the teams, the celebrity appearances at the game, the eventual awards at the award shows. But we’re one of the ‘I’m just here for


How to Find the Right Marketing Agency in 2024

Tripp Westbrook

It’s no longer enough for an agency to represent itself purely on the basis of its creative output. Clients today need to focus less on case studies and more on trust.  There are plenty of fish in the sea for clients looking to establish a…


Firehouse Operates on the Belief 'Happy People Do Better Work'

Phil Brito

Read the Ad Age article here . At Firehouse, the belief is “happy people do better work.” That’s according to the Dallas ad agency’s partners, CEO Steve Smith and President and Chief Creative Officer Tripp Westbrook. The belief drives…


Creatives and AI: Can we all just get along?

Tripp Westbrook

AI isn’t the end of creativity—it’s a new chapter. The most common talking point I hear is that using AI can help us do things faster and more efficiently than before. It can write copy, make videos, create content, and more, all with just a…


The 4 biggest lessons I learned from 30 years of marketing mistakes

Tripp Westbrook

Biased research, caving to opinions, internal fatigue, and moving on too quickly—these four mistakes in marketing, at any point in the process, will hamstring the work, derail campaigns, and strain agency/client relationships. By learning from…


Differentiation in advertising: Easy to say, harder to do

Tripp Westbrook

As seen in Fast Company. Every chief marketing officer worth their salt knows the importance of having a brand stand apart from the competition, to be unique in the eyes of the consumer and get recognized for it. After all, isn’t that the main…


AI: News to the World

Jason Heatherly

Sometime in the late eighties, sifting through comics, I came across an old, worn copy of   ‘Astounding Science Fiction’ circa 1950. On its cover was a robot, then-unfamiliar to me, offering a wounded man in its hand. Its eyes blank and red


Feel Like You Have to Fool Everyone? You’re Not Alone.

Erica Baker

Sometimes I feel like I’m running a huge con. I’ve fooled everyone into thinking I’ve got my stuff together. Any minute, everyone will figure it out, and I’ll be exposed as someone who has no idea what they’re doing.  Enter imposter…


Does your brand need a workshop? Probably.

Steve Smith

Here’s why and how to ensure it’s productive. Recently, we've been knee deep in some of my favorite work: conducting brand strategy workshops. It's not just my favorite work either; it’s been fun to see a younger strategist on my team light up


Small is the New Big: Introducing Our Friends at Familiar Creatures

Wade Alger

I have known Justin and Dustin for years. We all cut our teeth together at The Martin Agency, and I have nothing but mad respect for them. So when they started their own agency I was fascinated by how bold and daring they were to do so. I’ve…


Small is the New Big

Wade Alger

Think small.  What do I mean by this? I mean exactly that. Clients are looking for more transparency. Looking for more engagement on their business. And most importantly, looking at agencies to see who exactly will work on their business. Guess…


Building for Tomorrow by Building the Right Team

Steve Smith

Leadership drives the course of an organization. But, I'd argue it's not the most senior leaders who have the largest impact on an organization's health, happiness and functioning. No, I'd argue it's that next tier of leadership who matter most.…